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zmhk 2024-08-21
Coastline_coastlines       感谢大家提供这个Coastline问题集合,让我有机会和大家交流和分享。我将根据自己的理解和学习,为每个问题提供清晰而有条理的回答。1.海滨城市的英文 最地道的是哪个2.海岸侵


1.海滨城市的英文 最地道的是哪个




5.探险家George Bass的资料



海滨城市的英文 最地道的是哪个

       海滨城市的英文是:coastal city。

       coastal city 英[?kstl ?siti] 美[?kost?l ?s?ti]

       [词典] 海滨城市;

       [例句]My hometown is a coastal city of dalian.


       He said a new line will make the traffic between Jinan and the coastal city of Qingdao much faster.


       Well, I forget to tell you that Brighton is a coastal city.


       Shenzhen is a coastal city in South China, adjoining Hongkong.


       The coastline is a coastal city's unique landscape, delineating its features and and characteristics.


       I thought it was a sunny coastal city.







       3、cool summer/hot winter清爽夏日/温暖严冬

       4、North harbor/South Bay北港/南湾

       5、small teenager/small mushroom cool俊小伙/俏姑娘





       10、Fair maiden/Gentleman淑女/绅士







       19、Reach out/Follow me伸出手/跟我走

       20、sweet spring/salty autumn可甜的春天/盐焗的秋天

























































































       图3-9 黄河三角洲刁口地区建模测线分布图

       Fig.3-9 Counting lines in Diaokou area for modeling coastline erosion

       图3-10 黄河三角洲河口地区建模测线分布图

       Fig.3-10 Counting lines in Hekou area for modeling coastline erosion



       测线1回归模型 x(t+1)=0.143492x(t)+32.58167 (3-2)

       测线2回归模型 x(t+1)=0.026602x(t)+28.26973 (3-3)

       测线3回归模型 x(t+1)=0.249429x(t)+20.1549 (3-4)

       测线4回归模型 x(t+1)=0.103827x(t)+20.47327 (3-5)

       测线5回归模型 x(t+1)=0.038511x(t)+32.35457 (3-6)

       测线6回归模型 x(t+1)=0.008098x(t)+36.94398 (3-7)

       测线7回归模型 x(t+1)=0.385007x(t)+11.28498 (3-8)

       测线8回归模型 x(t+1)=0.323633x(t)+17.90078 (3-9)

       测线9回归模型 x(t+1)=0.258041x(t)+23.969 (3-10)

       测线10回归模型 x(t+1)=0.058445x(t)+33.24532 (3-11)

       测线11回归模型 x(t+1)=0.020052x(t)+28.06746 (3-12)

       测线12回归模型 x(t+1)=0.050109x(t)+18.64599 (3-13)

       测线13回归模型 x(t+1)=0.103827x(t)+15.5805 (3-14)

       测线14回归模型 x(t+1)=0.085694x(t)+20.47327 (3-15)

       表3-6 各测线模型误差的自相关系数 Tab.3-6 Autocorrelation coefficient of each counting line


       图3-11 刁口地区1995~2010年海岸线模型计算结果图

       Fig.3-11 Coastline derived from the erosion model in 1995,2004,2005,2007,and 2010,Diaokou

       图3-12 河口地区1995~2010年海岸线模型计算结果图

       Fig.3-12 Coastline derived from the erosion model in 1995,2004,2005,2007,and 2010,Hekou



       图3-13 1996年黄河河口人工改道示意图

       Fig.3-13 Sketch of artificial course conversion of the Yellow River in 1996

       表3-7 预测2004年各个测线的相对误差 Tab.3-7 Relative error of each predicted counting line in 2004









       moon(月亮)—— sun(太阳)

       巴黎左岸° Provence ? | 东京蓝调° Provence ?

       西决◢  -dream | 东霓◢  -dream

       浮浅Superficia | 言冷Coldwords

       岛屿cucumber # | 海岸cucumber

       ゆ、 流苏 Forget。 | ゆ、 褐瞳 Cutey。

       寂寞与红酒▍Nervou | 烟蒂与口红▍Direct

       寞灵≈Accompany | 梵灵≈Accompany

       Demon Deacons(恶魔执事)——Magic maid(魔法女佣)

探险家George Bass的资料

       The Jinzhou is the Chinese link Bohai Sea area important open city, is situated at Liaoning Province north west, is one has more than 2000 year historical cultural famous cities, is also an element enjoys the great reputation the business strategic place, is one full of vitality, the implication huge development potential modern port city. the Jinzhou is situated at Liaoning Province north west, north according to the loose range sierra, south near the Bohai Sea Liaodong, clutches “the liaoxi corridor” the east end. With Hulutao, Panjing, Chaoyang, Fuxin, constitutes one hour economic cycle. The Jinzhou is in the position. North the Jinzhou the low mountain hill, the south is the coastal plain, the coastline long 97.7 kilometers.

       The Jinzhou landform structure is “three mountain water three divides up land, two point path and manor”. Topography northwest high, southeast low, from the elevation 400 meters mountainous areas, falls gradually to the south to the elevation 20 meter following beach plains. The sierra is rolling, northeastern part has the Yiwulvshan arteries, northeast part has the loose range sierra, within the boundaries big, Xiaoling River, Nu'er River cross.

       Jinzhou located at the middle latitude region, belongs to the temperate zone monsoon climate, the temperature difference is year to year big, the annual average temperature 8℃ one 9℃, the year precipitation is 5,401,640 millimeters equally, frost-free period reaches for 180 days. The climate chief feature is: The four seasons are distinct, has the characteristic respectively, the monsoon climate is remarkable, continental strong. For the development agriculture, the forest, the herd, the fishing each industry have provided the good condition. the Jinzhou history is glorious. According to the excavation discovery proof, since ancient times, on Jinzhou this land has had the human labor to live, all previous dynasties hand down, the person smoke not certainly, and has close contacting with the area south of Yellow River culture. The Xia Dynasty, Shang Dynasty and Zhou Dynasty slave society time, here is Hebei, the quiet two state place. The Spring and Autumn Period time is the swallow place, when Warring States is the swallow Liaoxi county place. When Qin, Western Han Dynasty belongs to Liaoxi, the Liaodong county place, when the Eastern Han Dynasty big subordinate Liaodong vassal state. When three countries is the Youzhou Changli county place, Jin Dynasty is the even state Changli county place. When Sui Dynasty west is Liucheng (now Chaoyang) the county place, east subordinate swallow county place. At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty is Yingzhou (now Chaoyang) the main pipe government office governs, latter is Anton protects the government office to govern, after waste government office, turns over to the even Lu military commissioner to govern. the Jinzhou's tourist resources are rich, the scenic spot and historic resort are numerous.

       Jinzhou port China Bohai Sea area deep water harbor. on October 30, 1990 the Jinzhou port official navigation, is authorized in the same year by the State Council for a national kind of opening to the outside world harbor. After several year construction, the Jinzhou port actual handling capacity, the Jinzhou port actual handling capacity amounts to 16,000,000 tons, becomes west the Northeast China with Inner Mongolia east the most convenient marine turnover channel, already and the world more than 30 countries and the area have established the navigation relations. in April, 1995, the Jinzhou port has carried on take the property right as the link standardized reorganization, has formed take the Jinzhou port bureau, the eastern bloc industry Limited liability company, the Jinzhou petrochemical company and so on as shareholder's joint stock system harbor, and in 1998 and in 1999, Jinzhou port 110,000,000 B and 60,000,000 A separately in Shanghai stock market going on the market. located at Liaoning Province Jinzhou economic development zone south Binhai, faced with the Jinzhou, faces one another with Huludao water. Presently has 21 production berths, the harbor main channel may pass 250,000 tons oil tankers and 50,000 tons freighters. the 2006 year whole year volume of goods handled 32,000,000 tons, container 200,000 TEU, is national harbor 24th. north 2005 turns in the tax revenue is harbor 4th.



       乔治巴斯(1771年至1803年),英国航海家,探索了澳大利亚东海岸,并与弗林德斯一起驾船超过18000公里探索澳大利亚的海岸线,证明塔斯马尼亚是一个岛屿。在南太平洋澳大利亚和塔斯马尼亚岛之间的巴斯海峡(Bass Strait)以纪念他而命名。1803年,巴斯驾船前往南美贩卖货物,但在太平洋上失踪后杳无音讯,也有一些人认为他是被西班牙人抓去秘鲁当矿工了。

       George Bass (1771-1803?) explored the east coast of Australia. Together with Flinders, he sailed more than 18 000 kilometres exploring the coastline of Australia and proved that Tasmania was an island. Bass was born in England and arrived in Sydney in 1795. In 1803, he disappeared after he sailed into the Pacific Ocean with a cargo that he wanted to sell in South America. Some people believe he was captured by the Spanish and forced to work in mines in Peru.

       Soon after they arrived in Australia, Bass and Flinders explored the coastline south of Sydney in a tiny boat called the Tom Thumb. Bass who was 24 was a surgeon and Flinders who was only 21 was a sailor. Both were very adventurous. Very few people would have had the courage to sail into the open sea in such a small boat. During this trip they explored the land south of Sydney and found land suitable for settlement.

       In 1797 Bass left Sydney in a whaleboat. He took with him 6 sailors and 6 weeks' supply of food.Before reaching Western Port, he came across a party of 7 escaped convicts and promised to rescue them on his return. He then sailed on to Western Port on the southern coast of Australia. Strong winds forced him to stay here for nearly 2 weeks. Bass suspected that there must be a strait of water separating the mainland from Tasmania (then called Van Diemen's land). He rescued the convicts on his way back and sailed back to Port Jackson, after exploring 300 miles of previously unknown coastline.

       In 1798, Bass and Flinders set off in the Norfolk to sail around Van Diemen's Land. The Norfolk was the first boat to be built in the colony and was built by the prisoners on Norfolk Island. Bass and Flinders discovered and explored the Tamar River. They then spent another 3 weeks mapping the north coast of Tasmania before they sailed down the west coast. They sailed down the Derwent River where Hobart now stands and then set sail for Sydney. They had proved that Van Diemen's Land was an island by sailing right round it. Flinders named the strait, Bass Strait, after George Bass. The discovery of this strait meant that ships could save days when sailing to England, by sailing straight along the south coast, rather than right around the bottom of Tasmania. This was their last voyage together. Bass sailed from Sydney in 1803 to travel to South America. He disappeared and was never heard of again.


       Belgium is located on the western coast of Europe, bordering Germany in the east, the Netherlands in the north, France in the south, Luxembourg in the southeast and Britain in the west.?The coastline is 66.5 kilometers long.


       Two-thirds of the country's area is hilly and flat lowlands. The whole territory is divided into three parts: the northwest coastal Flanderland Plain, the central hills and the southeastern Aden Plateau.?

       The highest point is 694 meters above sea level. The main rivers are the Mas and Escow rivers, which belong to the climate of marine temperate broad-leaved forest and have four seasons.


       Belgium is a highly developed capitalist country with foreign trade as its economic lifeline and one of the world's top ten commodity importers and exporters. About two-thirds of the country's GDP comes from exports.


       Belgium has perfect infrastructure such as ports, canals, railways and roads to create conditions for closer economic integration with its neighbours.?

       Belgium is one of the founding members of the European Union and NATO, and also a member of the United Nations, the World Trade Organization and other international organizations.











       Britannia ruled by waves


        Rising sea levels threaten Britain’s shores


        Pacific atolls aren’t the only places at risk of going under


        LOCOMOTIVES HAVE plied the Dawlish railway seawall, which hugs Devon’s beaches between Exeter and Newton Abbot, since 1846. Passengers are treated to magnificent views of the English Channel—and occasionally to a frisson, when rough seas break on the concrete groynes and envelop oncoming trains in sea spray. If, that is, the trains are running, which increasingly they are not. Service was suspended for a day in mid-October after storm Callum wrecked a culvert. In 2014 the line closed for two months to repair storm damage.


        Such disruptions are likely to become more common. A report published on October 26th by the Committee on Climate Change, which advises the government, warns that rising waters pose a growing threat to England’s shores. They have edged up by 15cm (six inches) since 1900 and could rise by another 50-80cm by the end of the century, as a result of man-made global warming. Unlike Kiribati or other atoll nations, the sceptred isle would not be wiped off the map. But stretches of its coastline would be.


        Besides 436km (271 miles) of railway, the authors identify 930km of main roads, 187,000 hectares of farmland and as many as 520,000 properties already exposed to a one-in-200 chance of coastal flooding each year. If Earth warms by another 1°C, which the world’s current policies all but guarantee, these figures could double, affecting 1.1m Britons. The committee puts the damage to properties alone at ?370m ($470m) a year by 2080.


        England appears unprepared (the report did not consider Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, which pursue their own policies). Councils rely on outdated planning guidelines. Homeowners in safe areas cross-subsidise the insurance of those in risky ones through Flood Re, a government-run scheme. The property market reflects clifftop villas’ breathtaking views rather than their hair-raising risk of tumbling into the sea.

        英格兰似乎措手不及(这份报告未含奉行自主政策的威尔士,苏格兰和北爱尔兰)。议会依靠过时的规划指引。安全区的业主通过英国政府运行的“Flood Re”机制为处在危险之中的业主提供交叉补贴。房产市场宣扬的是悬崖顶部别墅的震撼人心的美景,而忽略业主跌入大海的毛骨悚然的危险。

        Building seawalls and other defences to protect important stretches of shoreline from rising tides could cost ?6.4bn-9.2bn. Big cities like Liverpool or Newcastle can count on help when the water comes. But a tenth of the 1,600km of endangered coast may prove too uneconomical to safeguard, according to the report. Its authors will not say where; that is up to the government. But imperilled residents surely deserve to know.





       图3-7 黄河三角洲各区段年平均侵蚀速率

       Fig.3-7 Average erosional rate of each section of coastline of the Yellow River Delta
